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4 Key Findings from AdWords Audits

We all are aware of the fact that AdWords act as an excellent marketing tool. You can showcase your ads to the ideal audience at your apt time through AdWords. If you believe that the management of AdWords is easy and simple, you are wrong. AdWords is no doubt an excellent way to increase your clients, but some companies waste thousands of dollars on AdWords without deriving any conversions. It is indeed a challenge to bring in ROI with AdWords.


There are four aspects of AdWords that you are probably not aware of. Let us shed some light on them.

1. Majority of the AdWords funding are wasted

According to the reports, it is only 12% of the keywords used in AdWords that yields complete conversions. This means that if you are bidding on 10 keywords, 9 of them won’t produce any leads and sales that can drive traffic. Such keywords are useless and are also known to dry up your budget. Many companies just drop in as many keywords as possible so that the targets gets hit by any one of those keywords.

2. Poor landing page strategy with half the traffic driven towards home page

It is surprising to know that near about 90% of the AdWords accounts have a terrible landing page strategy. Almost 52% of the companies send the traffic to the home page. Among half of the companies that use their landing pages, less than 15% test their landing sites. You have to understand that clicks are not the only way to the AdWords campaigns profitable. An optimized landing page is necessary to attain profit from AdWords.

3. AdWords campaigns fail without analytics

When you simply initiate the process of tracking on your AdWords marketing strategy, there is every possibility of producing a positive ROI. Success is 17 times more when analytics are in use. Now, why is analytics considered so essential for the success of AdWords campaigns? This is because, without the use of analytics, you are not aware of keywords that are working for you and the ones that aren’t. If you understand the interaction between your ads and audience, you are moving in the right direction. It is shocking to find that only 50% of the AdWords campaigns are using analytics and out of them only a few are utilizing it effectively.


4. Majority of the AdWords accounts are handled poorly

Last but not the least, AdWords accounts are poorly managed. Inconsistent messaging or the lack of analytics are the issues that are hardly given any importance. It is said that majority of the AdWords campaigns are not given sufficient attentions in solving these issues. Only 10% of the accounts are optimized once in seven days, and the rest is not even touched for months. Hence, it goes without saying that many AdWords accounts go without making any profit. If you want results in AdWords, you have to ensure that you are spending an adequate time to optimize your AdWords account to get conversions.

These 4 are the key areas that have restricted AdWords campaign to become successful. Keep a note of them so that in future you can refer to these problems and find out apt solutions for the success of your AdWords campaigns.


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