5 Best Social Media and Content Marketing Tips from Buffer

We have tried several content marketing strategies and methods at Buffer. So with that experience, we want to share with you 5 ways by which you can accelerate your engagements and improve your content marketing strategies, as mentioned below.

These are some of the most practical means by which you can visualize real time big impacts on your social media marketing processes.


1. Sharing Images on Twitter: Increase the rate of Retweets by nearly 150%

Ever since Twitter introduced its inline image, Buffer has been trying to experiment with this newfound change by adding images to a lot of Tweets from our Buffer account. And happily we noticed a substantial difference in the engagements Buffer is receiving. We have found that Tweets with images receives 18% more clicks than those that are without any images. We have also found that Tweets with images receives 150% more ReTweets than those which do not have any images.

2. Sharing contents multiple times

At Buffer, we share our posts more than once on the social network. This exercise has several advantages. However, the biggest benefit of this multiple sharing process, is that Buffer receives more traffic.  Not to mention, repeating the same Tweet at a fixed interval of approximately 3 hours makes the Tweet reach new peoples in different time zones. This helps in sharing our present contents with people who have been following us since our last post.

It has been observed that subsequent Tweets of an existing blog post get 75% as many ReTweets as the time before.

3. A/B Testing on your social networks

While posting the same post for multiple times throughout the day, at Buffer, we took the advantage of this opportunity. We tried to test which headline works best for the blog post. Hence we found 2 different headlines for the same blog linked through Twitter, blogs that we know shall perform well. Next we Tweeted both these headlines along with same contents at roughly the same time, but at least 30 min apart. Finally, we compared the acceptance data of these two differently titled on the same blog and used the best headline that found more ReTweets on the blog post. So that the linked blog grows more viral organically.


4. Reframe your contents to suit different audiences

As you post multiple times on Facebook or Twitter, reframe your content and tweak it a little so that you are not repeating yourself. Same content in verbatim when repeated more than once, often diminishes its value.

5. Transparency

Something that we have found that bonds us with your readers in Buffer, is to build up a community around Buffer. We let our followers understand as to how we run our company. We share out details about Buffer on an ‘Open Blog’, as well as our interviews on other websites. Practicing this will certainly help you to grow your business and services with your followers and customers online. Being transparent is an attribute that all followers want once they follow you online. Its most essential to build up online customer loyalty.

Related post:  Creating the most effective Content Marketing Strategy

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