Digital Marketing During COVID-19:- Data-driven Awareness


The following blog about digital marketing during COVID-19 contains statistics consistent with an anonymous survey conducted by Serpstat’s VP of marketing to record the significant changes made by COVID-19 pandemic within the digital marketing landscape. 


  • More than 4500 digital marketing professionals from all around the world attended a survey by Serpstat. The survey recorded the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on their organizations. 
  • 63% of the participants rebroadcast the allowance for short-term activities.
  • Most business visionaries in the field of digital marketing accept that it is more important to reinforce the greatest sum as per the new terms and rapidly come back to pre-decided pointers all at once to not lose current clients. 
  • A few respondents noted expanding work volume and improving business pointers: 18% of respondents saw expanded deals, 27% announced expanded traffic, and 12% increased new clients.

Up until this point, numerous individuals have changed their business thinking for all intents and purposes cutting the most extreme sum, offering contactless conveyance choices or pickup-in store, and so on, which is another significant point in the rundown of business changes. 

About The Survey 

All the respondents from the US, Germany, Spain, and other European states took an interest in this review. They were Serpstat stage clients, including computerized advertising experts who utilize little or medium-sized organizations, offices, or groups. Top consultants were among the respondents. 

The vital target of Serpstat research was to utilize a number-driven approach and reveal bits of knowledge that rise above recognition.


Here are some of the pivotal conclusions by the survey: 

  • Of the 60% of organizations, none workers were excused from their positions or leave. Furthermore, there are no such plans inside the guide. In the interim, 24% of overview members affirmed that they or their accomplices were resolved for COVID-19 problems faced by the organization.
  • 64% of the workers started work-from-home. 
  • 83% of organizations decided to change the SEO spending plan to PPC. 
  • 12% guaranteed they delighted in an expansion in newcomers, 46% of organizations lost fundamental clients.
  • 40% of respondents affirmed that their pay rates had been cut, and 9% of organizations had plans to show such changes in all actuality.
  • 28% saw a decrease in traffic compared to 27% experiencing another.
  • Anti-Crisis schemes were developed and distributed by 19% of the companies.

Overview members

Precisely 4,511 respondents were chosen for this specific Survey. The US, Germany, and Spain are nations that have the most number of members. Most respondents aged in the range of 22 and 35.

For other Member related question like gender orientation or another following, relate to the graph below:

Website design enhancement and PPC specialists, computerized promoting specialists, web-based life, substance, and email advertisers were among the members. His expert experience ranges from one year to 10 years inside the field. 

Few changes in the Field:

SEO Budget 

To stay away from misfortunes in online deals, 63% had pronounced their SEO spending plan. Hence, relevant notices get the most extreme consideration. 

This will in general demonstrate that organizations reevaluate their long haul and momentary goals. The move to momentary objectives suggests that organizations will lessen the effect of isolation on their key business execution markers.

Work From Home

Many people work remotely from their house. It did not take long for various to regulate their businesses and quickly tweak internal processes. This has helped many business owners run their businesses while remaining safe. Thus, 64% of respondents confirmed that they worked from home, while 6% of selling managers continued to work in offices.

Change in customer churn 

46% of survey members said that they didn’t have the favorable luck to be with a considerable lot of their clients. These demoralizing numbers have propelled numerous clients to improve their items and administrations, subsequently giving a tremendous effort to hold a devoted client. 

In the meantime, 12% of the overview members said that they figured out steps to draw in new clients during the isolate.

Fluctuations in sales 

27% of the respondents recorded an unimportant drop in the sales, while 26% asserted an emotional drop in deals. 

Likewise, there are some disappointing numbers because of the impacts in the business area. 18% of the review members referenced deals inspire. 

For over 13%, there was no adjustment in the number of deals. Any news is not sweet news. Okay, this will happen during these difficult times for many entrepreneurs.

OTV change (Online Traffic Views)

Online projects boost traffic in 27% of cases. 15% of respondents shared data in their online projects with some dramatic declines, while 28% received a small sales dip.

Measures companies had to take

Changes are inevitable. Also, 70% of companies agree with the same in practice. Today, a whip is at hand in customer retention. It is easy to attract consumers and business will start booming if you have a nice line of consumers.

We will find them in:

  • Various Discount offers
  • Anti-crisis deals
  • Free specific products or services 
  • Services costing local currencies

These days B2C(business and customer) relationships become more personal and real lifelike. Unlike before, when business people get the opportunity to acknowledge their clients’ needs and settle.

Most marketing professionals say that changes in the present digital marketing techniques are essential, which also implies a rise within the work volumes. This may allow taking down the harmful effects of the coronavirus pandemic, stabilizing sales, and quickly returning to pre-quarantine business performance indicators. 

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