The energy of Pinterest for bloggers is a key to your social media MARKETING strategies. Tweets on Twitter and posts on Facebook and Google+ have their impact for a relatively short period of time and are viable, found by only the followers. While, a Pinterest pin remains pinned even years after years.
The viral effect of a successful pin is like a ball bouncing round adding up repins, likes, and blog traffic along the way.
1) Build a solid Pinterest presence:
If you’re just getting started, you’ll have to create ten boards with a minimum number of ten pins each.
One board should be there for your blog content and another for the general topics of your blog. Pin your blog articles to more than one Pinterest board, and spread them out over. The most important is to keep your content fresh and attractive. Being active on Pinterest helps you to get some Smart Feed and also marks your Pinterest presence.
2) Certain KEYWORDS while naming your Pinterest boards and their descriptions:
Pinterest is a phoenix of search engine which helps pinners find great content using certain keywords. Writing descriptions for your blog content will help it to be found by a search but not with keywords.
3) Pinterest for Business Accounts:
There are many benefits for a Pinterest in a Business Account like – You can receive access to analyze on your pins. You can add Rich Pins so that each pin from your blog enhance meta-data. You can also apply for Promoted Pins which help you further.
4) Add a Pinterest at bottom of your blog.
Make it possibly easy to share your content to Pinterest. There should be very easy instructions on your Pinterest website regarding this. If you aren’t sure about the HTML, you may ask your website builder to take care of this.
5) Designing a Pinterest-friendly image for your every blog post will help you upgrade.
If you feel taking time to create an image for your blog post is too long ,then you must also think about a long-term blog referral traffic. If you are writing great content and want people to read it then this is what u should do. Creative images gives your posts an extra touch of excellence, thus putting an image while posting becomes an very important factor towards traffic attraction.
6) Sharing on social networks:
Promoting your Pinterest presence is just like adding up links to your posted Pinterest pins on Facebook, Google+, Tumblr, and LinkedIn.
7) Promotion on social networks:
Adding a link to your Pinterest in your email signature with your most popular pin of the week will help you enhance your presence.
Hope these ideas guide you boost your Pinterest presence!
Give these a try and see how it goes.
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