The year 2020 has so far affected all forms of businesses and other employment sectors. But digital marketing shows rather an opposite curve with its growing importance each day amongst businesses and web users. Hence it is of high significance to keep yourself abreast of the changing marketing techniques over the Internet. Search engines continue to evolve and adapt to new algorithms in analyzing content and assessing them for top search results. Thus it is crucial to adapt yourself and your business with new SEO techniques and guidelines.

Staying in pace with altering SEO algorithms at all times can be a tricky task. And missing out on something important can invalidate all the efforts leading to the decreased visibility of your content over the web. Meanwhile, making the most out of the techniques can give rise to traffic, which leads to more conversions, leads, and ultimately sales. Hence here we have got you covered with the latest trends of SEO in 2020. These include many developing strategies as well as some evergreen tactics that refuse to go.

Build a strong base with foundational SEO

Evolving with new strategies while holding firm on the basics helps you reap the most possible benefits. One necessarily needs to pay attention to keywords, titles, and striking meta descriptions. Headers, site maps, UX, CRO, and analytics play strategic roles in optimizing your website’s content for organic search results. Ensuring high site speed can significantly increase the amount of traffic to your website. Introduction of relatable keywords and understanding your target market about the words and phrases they use while searching for the required service can ascertain large audiences to your site. 

Add details, instances, graphics, statistics, PDFs, and other multimedia.  Use eye-catching titles and power words in your headlines to appeal to researchers’ sentiments and trigger a response from them.

Video marketing

One of the ignored yet highly effective digital marketing tactics is video marketing that can often be a huge traffic source for your website. The technique has tremendous potential to make high user engagement that still remains untapped by a lot of marketers. Visual content attracts an audience more than textual information. Impatient web users can watch through a 1-minute video in place of having to read a highly textual article. One can integrate videos well with the site content by providing relatable titles and descriptions to make it relevant to the users. Furthermore, providing good quality graphics, audio and video can optimize your site for search engine results. 

Aim for featured snippets

Featured snippets are the results that show up on search engine pages even before the top-ranked results when you search for something over the web. They are usually placed alongside an image, chart, or a video. This helps them stand out of the massive content available. And assigns them an even better position to earn clicks even more than the top-ranked results. Content developers on the internet need to be highly clear and concise in case of featured snippets. They should constantly aim for content easy to format in the form of bullet points and come with easy-to-understand summaries. Ensuring their usability across various devices and formats is also a matter of utmost priority. 

Invest in good quality and evergreen content to conserve the online visibility of your website

Well researched and long-form posts that provide an in-depth analysis of a product, service, or an issue are often chosen as the best possible results the user might be aiming for on Google, Bing or any other search engine. Work on long-form content with at least 1,000 words to outrank shorter content available on the internet. Content with relevant headings, brief paragraphs, and suitable images is easy to absorb and hence boosts the time spent the user on the page. 

Strive for voice search optimization

Experts every now and then advise about putting efforts in optimizing voice search. The technology is becoming more and more accessible to all thus making it unavoidable that the trend is here to stay for long. Voice search rankings are equally based on questions and answers. A majority of searchers are using voice search for basic online searches, so creating high-quality, voice search optimized FAQs can assist a lot in getting your posts amongst high rankings.

 Focus on mobile SEO

With increased access to mobiles and the internet, most of the time people are likely to find your website via a mobile device instead of desktop or laptop. Building a mobile-friendly and mobile-optimized website cannot wait any longer in the present times. Consider developing your websites for mobile-first, then work towards making them compatible with desktop. Your rankings can hit an extremely low if your website is not compatible with the mobile version. 

Internal and external linking

Link building is gaining more and more prominence in these times as it becomes more and more about brand building. Building a trustworthy brand for people to uplift your business is essential. Additionally, including more and more internal links of your website within your subject matter increases user engagement and the time people spend on your business page.  


Search Engine Optimization can be a laborious and complex process particularly for younger and smaller businesses trying to make a mark on the World Wide Web. Websites go unnoticed if not placed on the first page of search engines. People need to search for your organization through a search engine over the web. That is why it is important for your company to show up in the first 10 search results. Organizein caters to all your SEO requirements by helping you connect with potential customers online and generate more traffic and sales. The company has the skill, qualifications, and drive to personalize an SEO strategy that will make sure your website is flooded with new leads. For more comprehensive details, visit our website

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