For you to be a successful optimiser in Search Engine Optimisation, you should ensure to tick all the particulars discussed in this article. This list can also be considered as a “to-do” list for all the SEO projects an optimiser takes up.
On- Page Optimisation
Section order
The basic practice for an optimiser is to maintain the correct head section order. That is the Meta tags of your web page are in correct order:
Title> Description> Keywords
The information put within these is used to furnish the title and description in SERP and what searchers actually see.
Title tag
Title tags are supposed to be approximately 9 words with a variation of plus three words or minus three words. It should be ensured that vital information should be shown up before the cut off in Google SERP at 512 pixels which is roughly about 55-65 characters.
Description tag
The most important piece of information should be included in the description tag before the Search Engine Results Page cut off at 920 pixels which is up to 150-156 characters including spaces.
Keyword tag
In spite of keyword not being considered for ranking in SERP, keyword tags are included and sorted in longest in length of the keyword to shortest in length of the keyword.
Heading tags
Heading tags should be represented as
at the beginning, followed by
etc. and should be included in the contents index.
Overall Word count
Quality content is the key to optimising your page. Google Panda Update will penalise low quality content. So, avoid replicates of the content and work on creating content that showcases your expertise.
Qualified Links
The search engine finds fully qualified links much easier to return. Avoid using complicated URL’s and use qualified links (
Site wide optimisation
Site map
A sitemap is a list of web sites accessible to users. Every page in your website should link to the site map. Having an XML sitemap is recommended.
Text navigation
Use text navigation, rather than flash navigation. If not in the top of the page, ensure there is text navigation at the bottom of the page.
Keyword Strategy
It is one of the important things that differentiate your existence from other web pages in the virtual world. It is a never ending process and can be changed in between.
Web Analytics
Ensure that you have the required web analytics. Your web analytics should be properly set up and regularly monitored to find out the keywords that are generating traffic and whether your webpage is optimised for those keywords.
Text over image
Replace text with image wherever it is necessary. This will help the spiders understand deeply what the website is all about. They usually cannot “see” much in an image. Textual description is much easier to understand than image description.
Test for Replicates
Testing for plagiarism and originality of content will help you to be unique web page and thus increases your ranking in SERP.
14. Mobile usability report
If your content is more accessed by mobile devices then you will have positive mobile usability report. This will increase your popularity.
Some checklists are significant for a successful Search engine Optimisation. A SEO company in Phoenix would check for all these requirements before finalising their web pages. Companies like Organizein would double check with each and every task to make sure that the web page built is easier to find by the searchers. Organizein is now available in Phoenix also. The businesses which don’t have successful digital marketing partners can now consider Organizein.