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9 formatting Tactics That Will Double Your Readers’ Average Time on Page

Are you a blogger working to enhance your content? There are several ways in which you can make your content more intriguing as well as mind striking to the reader. A lot of people who write content, which is plain and has no added value, such content do not hold the attention of the researcher for a long time. Besides, delivering fluffy content might be one of the reasons as to why researchers may bypass your content. What are these issues that might capture the attention of the research for a longer time? Here are nine critical issues that you need to watch when developing mind-striking blogs


Embrace the line break

When developing your articles you’ve to ensure that it is reader-friendly. Ensure that you introduce your content. Arrange your paragraph systematically and make sure that each paragraph represents an independent idea. Finally, each paragraph should entail an average of 4 sentences.

Used subheadings

When developing your content ensure that you break your content into different sub-title. It will aid you in building ideas based on the sub-titles. Besides, the sub-heading will catch the eye of the reader, thus making him concentrate more on the content on your page. More importantly, it will help you build ideas more easily as well as aid the readers follow your content step by step.

Employ bulleting

It‘s vital for any blog developer to embrace bulletin when developing content. The bulletin does not only make your content precise are reader-friendly, but it also allows the reader to understand what you’re illustrating clearly.

Employ deep captions

Well, research has shown that employing captions makes your content more attractive to online researchers. When you decide to use images when developing content, ensure that you use a deep caption. Captions are a few sentences that with no doubt will intrigue a couple of readers.

Use highly relevant links

Use links that might assist researchers reach your content easily. Using external links shows that the writer has done some homework on the subject at hand, and the author wishes to highlight different people’s content. Top notch content attract more readers as well as enhance better ranking of your site


Employ tactical formatting

It’s incredible how the article business works. In ensuring that your content gets to the researcher’s laptop, you’ve to use Keywords. Keywords are words, which identifies the brand that you are marketing and can be easily reached by a single search. Finally, ensure that you use bold Keywords for easy identification by the search engine.

Write longer articles

Writing longer content doesn’t mean you develop fluffy content, this simply means you have to create content that is long as well as interesting enough to hold the research on your page. Short articles are not always the best when it comes to search engine optimization. In your content, ensure that you mark your main point.

Related Post: Simple Steps for Conducting Creative Content Research

Mind your branding

It’s vital that as a writer you have to ensure that you stick to a particular brand to promote or write about. If you write on the various topics, you might loose on clients who are searching for broad information on a particular subject. Branding your site is critical because it assist you hold on client searching that particular brand you are promoting.

Check the dual readership path

After going through the subheadings, bulletin list as well as other formatting and ensuring that they are okay, you need to highlight the Keywords that can easily be identified with your content.

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