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Advanced Blogging: How to Go Big With Your Blog

Social Media is growing big with each second. With the expanding network and globalization people from different countries are connecting to it.blogging-1

How Darren started blogging

Darren Rowse who started blogging as a hobby made it a successful business in just few years. According to him there was no rocket science involved in it. He just focused on his strengths. Regarding Darren- every writer has his own quality and understanding that is what makes everyone different in the world of blogging. One should back himself in this process.

He started his blogging carrier by writing in different topics like movies, politics, photography and spirituality. But it soon became congested and with requests of readers he created different blogs for each subject. He monetized his sites by using Ad Sense and Amazon Affiliated Marketing. Then the process of monetization was enhanced with experience and time.

Digital Photography School, then and now

Let’s take his Digital Photography School topic as example- he started it with content aiming for beginner and then it gradually grew up. Then he hired professional writers and now it has a full team of developers and writers. It posts 2-3 times every day. The editorial content that Darren shares can be categorized in three intents- Interaction (assignments to encourage readers to participate), Information (tutorial) and inspiration (quality photos to inspire the readers).

In this blog he tries to encourage readers to participate. This is done by giving assignments on the last topics the blog had shared. The site also conducts polls to engage readers. According to Darren it is a healthy process to attract readers on regular basis. Darren says it also helps to develop the blogs by understanding the reader’s thoughts. SEO Company in Phoenix is another help where one can understand the target readers.

The site also developed a forum for the readers. It was done by using vBulletin. As many of the topics were getting lost, the readers demanded a forum where they can share thoughts. Darren says forum his very helpful to connect with people who never comments or interacts in social media, but they are fond of their forum.


Darren and his team have developed some helpful plugins to attract readers. Darren explains the purpose- It is always great to give something extra at the end of the article or the subject. There are seven plugins available in their site; these are meant to help the readers in their own blog or sites. One can avail them in It is been developed to attract more views and shares.

More about the elements in Digital Photography School’s blog

These combinations of polls, assignments, plugins and forums are the main weapon of interacting with readers. Regarding the practices of Digital Photography School those mentioned themes are main factors in driving the readers to the site regularly. It shows it is very important to regularly interact with readers.

Digital Photography School uses e-book as the main source of its monetization. Darren explains that it is a great advantage to have good library with the site, it helps to engage readers and serves them with more knowledge. It also uses direct advertising, sites like Amazon and other Ad networks.

The story of Darren clears one thing and that is clear and fresh strategy is the pillar of success in the blogging. One should be consistent and interactive to understand the readers, in this process sites like Phoenix search Engine optimization can help at the preliminary stage.

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