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Focus On These On-Page SEO Strategies For Ranking Higher

On-page SEO requires you to make certain changes in the website or the landing page in order to make them perform better in search results. While many think otherwise, not all On-page SEO tactics are difficult or require great technical or programming knowledge. The following are some tactics that are simple and relatively easy to implement, but can yield great results.


1. TITLE Tags

 All TITLE tags should be:

  • Short: Users of search engines tend to glance through the titles of the results in the SERPs to decide which one to click on. The title should be short enough to be read completely and quickly, even while skimming the results. Also, do not stuff the titles of every page of your website with the core keywords of the site, as then every page will then unnecessarily compete with each other for visibility.
  • Unique: Add unique title tags to differentiate one page or post on your website from another. The title tags are very important ranking factors, hence they have to be keyword optimized and targeted. Google Search Console offers a tool to identify duplicate TITLE tags. Identify and then modify them to make them unique.
  • Keyword optimized: Google has expressly stated that it gives more weight to the first 3 to 5 words in the title and the URL. So, place the keywords at the beginning of the title for easy discovery by the users and Search Engines. This has a direct effect on the click through rate also.

 2. META Description

Many experts feel that Meta Descriptions no longer have any direct relevance to Search Engine rankings. Even then, search engines show the Meta tags as the descriptions in the search results. The users look at these to decide whether to click on the links are not. This impacts the click through rate of the website. So, make the META Descriptions attractive, meaningful, and unique.

 3. URL structure:

Use pretty permalinks like and avoid the ugly cryptic once like Pretty Permalinks also allow you to keyword optimise the URLs.

 4. Canonicalize duplicate pages:

 Presence of pages with duplicate content will confuse the search bots regarding which is the right version of the page to index. This will Lower the site’s rankings. This is a big problem for low authority sites, as less important pages might be given higher priority by Google by mistake. Resolve These 10 On-Page SEO Problems For Better Rankings

Search engines treat pages with similar content but different URLs as unique pages, and consider them as duplicates. This problem can be resolved by canonicalizing the duplicate pages by installing 301 redirects in them pointing to the right page.


5. Focus on the high traffic pages:

Install a proper site analytics tool and look at the traffic statistics of each of your pages to identify certain pages which get the most traffic. Focus most of your on-page SEO efforts on these pages, so that you can capitalize on the link juice that they already enjoy. This will help you to, move your website higher up in the search rankings.

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