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How to Earn Traffic and Leads for Real Estate from Digital Marketing

It’s a dream of every person to own a house. Did you know that approximately 53% of buyers use internet to do research before finalising their realtor. More people are exploring in the virtual world to get all the information they are looking for about any property they are interested in buying. This is very significant to professional realtors who can use this opportunity to allure more buyers towards their business using Search Engine Optimisation.

Real estate is a market that can be targeted based on categories. You start your business in the local environment and then gradually expand. Establishing your brand leverage in the local market provides a pathway to grow your business to much higher levels. This post will help you to establish that valuable leverage over other websites to attract more traffic towards your business website.


Seven ways of earning traffic to your website:

1. Use Local keywords

Real estate is area specific, i.e. if a buyer wants to buy a plot in Phoenix, he would Google search for “Phoenix realtor”. This can be used for your advantage. Use area specific keywords followed by your business name.

Phoenix real estate

Phoenix realtor

Phoenix house for sale

Embed these keywords in your website as much as possible to get that traffic and leads. Along with the up to date information on the property, try to give out more like the nearest airport, hospital along with crime rate, safety etc.

Use Internet Data Exchange to render property listings. Google won’t index contents from appearing off the main site.

2. Prioritize on the property you want to sell and blog about them

Blogs act as an update to all your customers on the trends of the real estate. Write blogs specific to these properties and target the customers who are searching for properties in that area. Try to use keywords in the following parts:

  • Title tag
  • Content
  • File name on videos and photos
  • Throughout the content

As far as the content is concerned, make it more descriptive, short and easy to read     contacting all the information on the property.

 3. Use Photos and Videos

These are very important as it gives the buyers a rough idea on how the property looks. A virtual video tour will be helpful and gives a virtual tour of the property to the buyers. Buyer’s testimonials after the property has been sold will create a sense of satisfaction in the buyer. If the video and photos are extraordinary, buyers may instantly buy your property without even checking out for real. That’s the power of videos and photos in the real estate business.


4. Mobile access

Recent survey shows that approximately 89% of buyers are using smart phones to search for property. Making your property listings site mobile will generate traffic as people will check your business during their free time as they may be busy otherwise and don’t have time to access the actual website. Make the mobile website user friendly and comfortable with providing all the required information about a property at the touch of a button.

5. Listings in Directories

Real estate agencies have directories. This contains all the top realtors listed who operate in that particular area. Getting listed in these directories will fetch you more traffic as many buyers prefer listed directories as their choices of realtors are more.

6. Optimize your Bio

Many realtors will be working in one single Real estate agency. Some buyers may recognise only the realtors and not the agency. Therefore it’s very important to include the Bio’s of all of your realtors and dedicate one exclusive page for each realtor. This Bio may contain personal contact of the realtor.


7. Role of Social Media

Just like any other business, social media also plays a very significant role in Real estate. Real estate is about relationships. The satisfaction of your buyers and how true your claim was when you sold that property to them defines your expertise in the field and creates a trust in your new buyers.

Real estate solely relies on internet. Especially in today’s technologically advanced world, digital marketing plays a very crucial role. Hiring the right digital marketing partner is a challenge. A SEO company in Phoenix , Organizein is now offering digital marketing services to agencies in Arizona. Their expertise will increase the traffic to your website and also help you to expand your business from local to higher levels.

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