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The Intersection of SEO & Web Design

The onset of technologically-driven businesses has led to major change in priorities of SEO strategy. While making decisions, it is important to know that SEO is majorly about ease of access and overall site structure; made possible with the top-in-game i.e. responsive, HTML5 and parallax design.


The specialists are well aware of the fact that user experience does a lot of good to site’s performance and further SEO. Enlisted are the considerations that an SEO professional needs to keep in mind while working with user-focused websites.

Website Design Trends

Parallax design allows the users to view all the elements on a single scroll and is a very popular method of website designing. Given the benefits it renders to conversion rates, it is not surprising that it is one of the leading choices of developers as well as users. It is also evident that parallax is a hindrance for exhibiting SEO practices due to the single page website. To tackle this, you can always include some parallax design pages in your main website to have the best of both worlds.

Responsive design has taken over the website development with Google insisting every site to be optimized for various platforms. The responsive design is a big yes for enhancing the user experience and earning profitable single-center backlinks because you can do with a single URL for mobile as well as desktop needs. SEO is benefitted by this boosted backlink count.

HTML5 allows creativity, uniqueness and inspirational coding but as appealing as it is, a single mistake in the code can chase the Google bots away and that is the most dreadful thing. The main problem associated is the requirement of JavaScript for the working of HTML5 designs and the bots (like humans) are not very fond of it which makes indexing difficult. Incorporating static content can be the solution for delivering the best in terms of SEO.

Minimizing Choices

Websites have innumerable categories and sub categories, some even branching that out. The traditional SEO practice was to have more sub-parts because that meant more content which further meant, more focus on targeted keyword ranking approach.

If we look at some of the expert advice, a swamped website confuses the customers, nearing the moment of disconnection when they get engulfed with choices and ultimately give up.

Finally the marketers are beginning to notice that prioritizing quality instead of amount can really aid SEO.


Cognitive Dissonance & Web Design

SEO should be driven by user needs and agencies should have the understanding of cognitive dissonance theory. When a user is driven to a page, there is a certain level of expectation and so the landing page for a specific keyword should be highly useful. Ensure that the keywords that your page is optimized for, is the right one.

The SEO Agency in Phoenix  professionals need to do their homework and regularly analyze the search keyword in order to avoid the disappointment at the user’s end.

Users ease is the best set criteria to craft effective designs and generate the best SEO scheme. If you manage to achieve that, profits and traffic automatically pour in.

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